I’ve launched a Patreon campaign!

Big news! I’m starting a Patreon campaign because I’ve reached a really exciting point in my career where I think my readers can help me push my work to the next level.

If you aren’t familiar with it yet, Patreon is a crowdfunding platform where folks contribute funds to an individual’s ongoing work instead of one particular project. Depending on how much you choose to pledge per month, you will get access to certain cool things, like Patreon-exclusive sketches, sneak-peeks and PDFs. And if certain monthly milestone goals are met, I get to do awesome things that will make everyone happy.

O Human Star had been updating twice a week for the past several months, but when I have to juggle a day job and extra freelance work on top of regular updates, sometimes keeping up that schedule can be… a challenge. I’d like a healthier way to balance my workload while giving my readers a way to peek at side projects and behind-the-scenes work that I’ve never shared before. I’m also reaching the point where being able to pay to replace my work tools, like the aging laptop I draw my comics on, would be a massive benefit.

I will still be updating O Human Star frequently, at least 5 pages a month, regardless of how much you pledge. But pledging to my Patreon will allow me to spend more time on my comics, and as we reach certain milestone goals I can update the comic more frequently and unlock cool rewards for everybody who’s pledged.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to making more comics you love!