TCAF 2024!

TCAF is coming up this weekend at the Toronto Reference Library, and I’ll be around! I won’t have a table of my own, but I will be signing at the Silver Sprocket booth (153-154) on both Saturday and Sunday from noon to 1 pm.

I’ll also be participating in two panels this weekend. The first is a presentation I’m giving on transmasculine comics at 2 pm on Saturday in the Discussion Room.

And then on Sunday at 1 pm I’ll be on a trans cartoonist panel moderated by Cleopatria Peterson with Aria Villafranca, Morgan Sea, Leo Covault, and Beena Mistry in the Novella Room.

Since I’m not tabling proper l have a limited stock of my own books that I’ll be carrying around, but if you see me at the show, don’t hesitate to stop me and pick up something while you can! This includes O Human Star, Meal, Across a Field of Starlight, and the first issue of my Ghostbusters run.